Who & the Why now...
Why create large Art? As an artist I can't think of any reason NOT to create larger-than-average pieces that fill any space with curiosity and awe. . Or maybe it's due to a dislike of small things like mice, elevators and tiny buttons. Or a scientific explanation may go like this:
Yes, there is such a 'syndrome' as Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS). And no, AIWS, is not a falling-down-holes affliction. It’s a visual impairment that is (most likely, according to medicalbad.com) caused by too much electricity in the body which pushes an excess of blood to the brain, distorting our vision that relates to perspective. Also called Lilliputian Syndrome, I'm sure you get the picture. People see things waaaayyyy big and things next to them waaaaayy small which is, albeit entertaining, disorientating and frightening at times. Luckily for me and most people with it, the distorted vision goes away in your teens but you are left with an oversupply of electricity. Good news for me, bad news for electrical appliances I seem to short-circuit. In short, my distorted perspective sees me working on a massive canvas when, in reality I can't fit such a piece in my studio and I most likely will not work on a billboard size canvas (not in the near future).
The business side of Mondo came about from several happenings in my life. I did make cheese but felt it wasn't satisfying the creative brain enough. I did want to make a living from Art, a practice I had always toiled away at and studied but got side-tracked by career planning. And I did stay at an Artists retreat in the UK after a long stint crafting and turning heavy truckles of cheese.
Being surrounded by an opulence of art hung on high, heritage-proud walls in a stunning manor every day for a few months is an indelible experience for anyone and one that I can only hope to partly achieve (the manor bit might be pushing it).
Here's hoping Mondo gets to a level of this Wow..
Gallery Beautiful..indeed
The Courts, Holt